Sonntag, 25. Juli 2010

Maximum number of characters exceeded

Die Europäische Kommission bittet um die Meinung der Bürgerinnen und Bürger zur Einrichtung eines fahrzeug-internen Notrufsystems innerhalb Europas. Dies umfasst vorrangig Fahrzeuge wie Autos, Motorräder, Busse, LKWs und Züge.


Developers, PLEASE give the user a chance to know how many characters! Doing a survey like this and then such a message!? See the first TextBox: There is not much text ...

My (complete) Answers:

Comment for Question 2:
Since I am a engineer (software developer) I have written an application which helps me to "control" my system very easily:

Comment for Question 4:
In that case the call-center infrastructure has to improved. e.g. when using A1 (Mobilkom) provider the answer with suppressed number and in case of an stolen car it would be strange for me to talk to the call-center without knowing if it is really the call center.

Comment for Question 5:
When someone buys a car the person should have addition money to buy such a system. The buyer also will need money for fuel, insurance etc. ;-)

Comment for Question 6:
There should be a "black box" like in planes and LKWs. In case of an accident this "black box" will give important information to find the cause of the accident (e.g. was the light on/off, was the blinker on/of, speed, etc.)

Comment for Question 7:
I think it should be mandatory for new cars and mandatory for cars with a year of manufacture of 2000. Cars built before year 2000 it should be optional.

Comment for Question 10:
My current system costs was 1.500 Euro (including installation). 300-500 Euro would be very low costs and is it worth for safety etc.!

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